
Time flies by
As everyday
You miss your opportunities.
You miss the ability to start
To start on your legacy of greatness.
Time goes
To never return.
And every day that goes
You feel worse and worse
Sick to your stomach
With the feeling of guilt.
And every night,
You plan.
Plan on how to be productive.
To get rid of the emotions
The sorrow building up inside of you.
But the very next day,
Nothing happens.
Empty promises to yourself
As you see your life go by
Day by day
Week by week
While you do nothing.
You know you are useless.
So where to start you ask yourself.
How to force yourself.
To get out of bed, to get ready,
And for the first time in your life
Stick to something.
You know for a fact
Consistency is key.
The discipline of life.
To inculcate it within yourself
Will bring forth your power.
But where to start?
What do you do?
Lost in your emotions,
Letting it take you deeper and deeper
Into the rabbit hole of despair
Until you finally say enough.
You refuse to care about what to do
You just start.
You don’t wait for the next day
You start today. Now.
Exploring your options, your paths
You manifest dreams
You imagine, see your passions
And you grow.
You stick to your path
Consistent and consistent
You found your use.
The days of being useless
Long gone, as you look back
You see your struggles,
Working hard, growing fast,
To the life you wish to lead.


With time passing by
A virtue much like patience
An immense powerhouse of a quality
Is understanding.
Everyone can listen
But very few understand.
Some may Empathise, Sympathise
And even go out of their way
To try to help you.
But without understanding,
It is all for nothing.
Strive to understand, not just be understood.
To understand
If situations are out of our control
To understand
That life goes by
Not everything is fair.
To understand
That times come and go
People change
You change
Life doesn’t stop.
So why waste your time
Over things you cannot control.
Life itself will be meaningless
Till you understand it.
One root cause
Of all problems throughout
The lack of understanding

The Past

As the sun starts to fade
The end of the day,
You take a look back at the past.
Your past, your failures,
Your regret, your guilt.
Why is it, that we never remember
All the good times, or joy?
As the day comes to a close
You can’t help but remember
The mistakes that you made.
Anger wells inside you,
Shame and guilt are its friends.
So what can you do for it,
But drown your sorrows
And scream into your pillow?
The day is at an end,
And all you feel is restless.
You want to sleep, but in your mind
A sad movie is playing.
So you sit up, time to change
Shifting your attention, productivity.
You work hard, push away the thoughts
The thoughts you are clearly ashamed of.
But it doesn’t help, for sure,
You just delay the inevitable.
To one day, sit and face
All of the thoughts haunting you.
To look back, to have forgiven
Put your love for yourself first.
To accept yourself for who you are,
The mistakes you made were yours.
To allow them to be
And to make peace with them.
You cannot change the past,
Yet what you can do is simple,
Forgive yourself.
For you are you, and this is true.
Self love is the power,
That we must all harness.

The Journey

Everyone has time.
The only resource we are given in this world when we are born.
What we choose to do with it, defines who we are.

People have to find their own path in life. Their end destination, where they want to see themselves. The kind of future they wish to live through, vibe to the universe what you wish to occur.
But more than prayers, or attraction of what you wish for, in order for them to be affective, ultimately it comes down to working.
You work hard for your passions.
You work for your goals.
You work for your future.

There can never be rest for those who wish to accomplish.
The path taken, gives you character.

What most people don’t wish to go through though, in order to reach the end destination, is the journey.
The steps followed, the road that needs to be traversed.
Why is this though? Does everyone wish for instant gratification without putting in effort for what they truly want?

Is it that the end result will fetch them unbounded, unconditional, immense joy? Or is it that the path they follow, should be filled with the energy, the positivity, and the happiness instead?
The destination is not as important as the path. To feel happy during the journey, the path, the steps you take, this itself defines the happiness you will receive from the completion.

Where do you see yourself?
Would you rather have a path you can blow through, to get to the end, where the fruits of your labor are all half baked, incomplete, and barely decent?
Or would you put in the time, the energy, the work, find happiness and see that what you do has an immediate affect on your mental state for the better, and ultimately find that the seeds you have sown have grown into massive, goliath structures, which will bring boundless joy to you and many others?

One thing to note, it is never too late. No matter your age, with what time you have, you can always accomplish your goals.
Dreaming big, thinking big, you can at least start, and see where it continues.
There is no harm in trying.
You will always lose if you don’t even try.
As Wayne Gretzky said “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”

Just take the shot.
And continue the Journey of yours, the path, the steps, the bridge, and find your success.


Filled with rage, hatred
For what others are doing.
How you feel, justified,
But reasoning?
Though people may anger you
The only thing that you can do
Is be nice.
Do you fight fire with fire?
Or with a calm cool water?
To douse the flames of Fury.
You cannot control them
or their actions.
But whose can you control?
Yours of course.
It is your life you live.
You have the choice, the decisions.
The toxic people in your life,
Do you let them and their negativity
Affect you?
Or do you choose to let it go
To let the person go.
To remove them.
As the chaos ensues
What is your choice?
To be calm, and controlled
Fix the emotions that you feel
Or lose yourself
To your Anger.